Bright Business Blueprint
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What do you want to learn?How to grow the businessHow to be more competitive How to improve business profitabilityHow to scale up my business operationsHow to prioritize strategic initiativesHow you decide what to focus onOthers (please specify)What is your major concern in your business?CompetitiveneasGrowthProfitabilityProductivityNo capitalization for expansionPoor processes and systemsMy business has plateaued and I need to innovateOthers (please specify)I am a*GuestSun Life ClientSun Life Advisor By clicking REGISTER, you authorize Sun Life of Canada (Philippines) Inc. (“Company”) to use and share your contact details and other personal data listed above to register you for the webinar and to contact you with marketing or promotional activities regarding financial, insurance products through phone calls, mail, email, SMS or any type of electronic message to be conducted by the Company and its related parties. You also consent to the webinar’s recording and agree that your [name/ image/ voice/messages], including any questions raised or opinions expressed, may be included. You agree such material may be re-broadcasted by the Company, at its sole discretion, even after the event for purposes of documentation. Your personal data shall be retained until expiration of the retention limit set by laws and regulations and the period set until destruction or disposal of records, unless withdrawn in writing or withheld due to changes in the information supplied by the Company. Please read the Company’s privacy policy statement found in’re processing your registration. Please wait…
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